What is the true Value of living?

If we are living for ourselves, for the moment, then what are adding value or are going to leave this world better than we found it?

To be honest sometimes I get fed up, it seems most times that we are want to ignore the real issues we are facing and instead focusing on things that don't bring us much value...

We want to talk about sex all day, the latest gossip, music, celebrities, we spend time commenting on statues and trying to bring others down, we spend time giving our opinions on things no one asked us or even things that don't benefit us...

Don't we want Change?

Don't we want our countries/ economies /communities to be better?
why are we constantly waiting for someone else to bring change?
Why aren't we finding ways to add to the betterment for our fellow people and our future?

Not all of us can be millionaires/billionaires but we can all be comfortable...

How can we achieve this?

Perhaps this is my purpose, to write (not that I am even that good of a writer) and stir something in you that propels you to go out there and do something a little different.

How can we encourage ourselves to do better?