Admit your flaws

Growth is important.

But it only comes through constantly admitting that we are wrong and don’t know it all.

Take those hard truths and work on them. We are all equal, no one is perfect or better than the other.

Constantly working on your flaws is what makes you a better person. We all have them, some can be worked on and some can not. 

It hurts our egos to hear our insecurities rudely spoken to our faces sometimes (if not all the time.), The ability to take correction is also very crucial to our personal growth and development. Be Humble.

Not everyone can take criticism, most times your attitude towards criticism can either make you or break you. Learn to discern what is useful and could add value to you from the feedback that you are getting about yourself. 

It’s good to be criticised and told you are wrong. Accept it. Then do better.

That’s real strength. That’s sincere. That’s genuine.

The way we value ourselves is not how people will value us - you need to ask yourself why?

It’s really you, your actions, words, the patterns of your actions...

It’s not always them,

It could actually be you.