Refuse complacency

Every day is a challenge. A new battle for the same war. A new curve in the road. A new obstacle that wants to take your complete attention.

The journey is long. It is tedious. It is tiring. You will be exhausted. You will be angry and frustrated. You will have days that make you question whether it is all worth it. Days where you don't even feel like Life is worth it at all.


You will also have days where the sun shines and everyone smiles and says yes to everything you ask. Days where the road is not just smooth but it is free and you can run as far and as fast as you feel. Days that make you want to have a thousand more just like it. Days where you can't sleep because you are so excited for tomorrow.

Days where obstacles feel like twigs under your foot. Days you never expected but came with greater surprises than you could ever imagine.

Remain consistent in your journey for days like that. Stay focused on your target for moments like that, because they will come.

Not just because you are hoping and counting on it, but because the prayers of those who believe in you are with you and cover you when you want to give up on you.

Don't become complacent. Don't allow comfortability to steal your fire.
Stay humble, do the work and be patient.