Because you don't have your own goals. You are not someone who knows what they want. You are simply floating around waiting for him to realize how beautiful you are and hoping that will be enough to make him want to be with you forever.

Would you want someone like that?

Someone is who is unnecessarily needy and clingy. Someone who can't make their own decisions and constantly wants to be lead and can't stand on their own two feet. Someone who is moany and superficial.

Would you want someone who isn't sure of themselves and can be easily persuaded into new trends or lifestyle by the majority?

Someone who claims to be unique but doesn't even know how to stand out from the crowd?
Someone who can't be real and take criticism to better themselves as a person?
This person sounds very immature and unreasonably and most importantly not ready for any kind of real and true relationship.

That's why he doesn't want you, sis.

He doesn't want a toddler, he wants a girlfriend, a partner.

You are not your own person, you don't have goals. You're not working towards anything.
You need to wake up and stop waiting for someone to make you feel valuable, value yourself first. Treat yourself properly, like a princess.

Pursue your own interests and develop your talents. Stop trying to be appealing to people who have also not figured out themselves yet.

Write down your goals and work on them: intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically, and mentally.

Read some books. Join a gym. start a hobby. learn a new skill. Meditate. start pilates. start a blog/channel. Make your own money. Get a certificate. - Anything!

Remember to be an interesting person, you have to be interested in other things and put in the time/effort to learn about them.

Be the badass babe that you can be and do it for yourself - Do not do it fo anyone else.
Focus on you and everything that makes you genuinely happy.

Be a queen and you will eventually attract a true king!