Short Story: I release you

“I don’t think you understand what you mean to me”, he raged with a wave of slow anger, more at himself than at her. “ I gave up everything, everything to be with you, Grace”

She stared at him quietly, across the slightly furnished room that he had been sleeping in for months now. “I never asked you to, I probably wouldn’t have done it for you,” she said calmly.

“I know. You are so selfish." he said,  "so selfish”, he repeated as he pressed his knuckles against the surface of the table and tightened his fist.

She could see the veins of his hand, watching him take slow deep breaths with his head lowered, she turned and stared out the window “I told you from the beginning but you chose to ignore it”

“Yes, you did.” his eyes stayed fixed on the door. It stood open much like his heart once had been.

“Loving you took something from me I never knew I was capable of”, he said, almost in a whisper. It had shocked him. 

“ I hoped. 


I would close my eyes and all I saw, still see, is you, in my arms forever”, 

“ I don’t want that kind of love anymore, it’s foolish”, she shifted uncomfortably on her heels, she had stopped believing that it would happen for her a long time ago.

One too many heartbreaks and constant disappointments can do that to a pure heart. It wouldn't even have mattered if he offered to die for her at that moment, she wouldn't know how to believe it. She had lost all hope for that.

 “your mouth says one thing but your eyes say another.” He said as he searched her face again.

He wanted to touch her, to feel her lips on his. 

“you felt it too, everything was different when you were with me.” he took a step forward, “you wanted every bit of this and I know you still do.”

“Stop trying to seduce me, Adrian.”, she watched him as he stepped closer to her, 

“You tempt me, I am literally at your mercy every time.” his voice was low but pleading.

She smiled coldly, “not anymore, I release you.” 

He could hear her car purr to life in the distance, it took everything in him not to run after her and call her back into his arms once more, maybe forever this time.

But it was too late now.