A lot of people's breakthrough is at the crossroads of forgiveness and learning how to have healthy relationships with people.
A lot of people carry so much anger and bitterness in their hearts for the world and unknown to them they operate from this place of darkness through every interaction.
You wonder why you're stuck in life, going around in circles? It's probably because you don't know how to show up for the people who really love you and that always comes back to bite you.
You use people because deep down you believe that if someone isn't going to do something for you then they are not worth building a relationship with. When it's time to ask for what you need, you're there, but when others need you, you're nowhere to be found.
You hide under the guise of an introvert, shy, quiet, distant, moody or whatever else, but you're hurting, you're lonely, you're trying to fight this battle of life from all angles and you're losing miserably.
You've been hurt in the past, from childhood, and every time since then. Your pains are valid. Your fears are real. Your experiences definitely matter and no one can ever take them away from you.
At the same time, if you work through those pains, face that darkness and overcome it, or you'll be stuck in that rut.
I am learning that our emotional and psychological issues link directly with our spiritual progress and overall breakthrough in life.
Looking at the compassion that Christ had for the world always stuns me, because he was also hurt by people. He was hurt by his own creation. He was hurt by people that he came to show love to.
They threw so many things at him. They tried him in so many ways. They stabbed him in the back metaphorically and physically, yet he CHOSE to STILL go on the cross and DIE FOR US.
He loves us unconditionally. He shows up for us every time. He wants us with him, in his presence. He wants to spend time with us every day, all the time.
Yet, our hearts are broken. Pain, anger and bitterness are the only emotions we know how to feel.
He wants us to choose love. Choose to pour out more love into the world than the hurt the world has given to you. Choose kindness and understanding, because if you want someone to come into that dark place and find you, you have to do the same for others.
If you want someone to show up for you unconditionally you have to do the same for someone else who isn't able to show up for themselves. 1 person. If you want someone to fight for you, you have to fight for someone who can't fight for themselves.
The rewards of choosing love are endless, immeasurable and consistent.
It's not easy at all. You have to CHOOSE to do this regardless of what life has dealt you.
You have to CHOOSE love and TO love.