Centre of my world - Hedwig 'Deedee' Ndokosho #Poetry

Centre of my world, life in my blood.
Why have you betrayed me so?
You stood by me through the wicked
night, and carried me above the fray.

My flesh is but a vessel of truths,
That the mind and heart fill with lies.
If I could but exist with neither,
My soul would be free forever.

I thought you would lead me to the light.
Like a vicious lion creeping in the night,
I didn’t detect till I was covered in my blood.
And I fear that if I could, I would choose the same.

Centre of my world, life in my blood
Why do you cloud my judgment so?
My thoughts are not my own, my heart
is not my own, yet I falsely claim my life.

About the Author 

Hedwig Ndokosho most call her Deedee, she has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from the Polytechnic Of Namibia and she currently works at The Namibian Publishing House as an Editor. "I love writing, reading and I believe in self expression. I have written a few poems that I am willing to share though a poem I suppose is never finished until it is published" she said.