Nothing defines you

Even within a heartbreak I found that I can still pull myself together.
But why is my heart broken?
I was the one who was responsible for everything that crumbled the foundation on which I stood.
My actions brought me to my pain.
I saw the signs, I chose to ignore.
I knew it wasn't everything I wanted, I thought I could fool myself. I told myself it was more that fools gold...

Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity.

They will try to tear the threads of your soul
They will manipulate
They will lie
And convince you it’s your fault
They will say you are weak that’s why you should experience the hurt
They will stab and twist the knife
They will continued to inflict pain
Because they are empty
They feel nothing
They are convinced that your pain is their pleasure
They are convinced that by hurting you it’s hurting the ones who hurt them
But it’s all vanity
Vanity upon vanity
One day they will realise what they have done
Forgive them
For God forgave us our sins
So who are we not to forgive them?
Love them
Forgive them
Let go
Move on
Do you boo.
Love is all
Nothing defines you
Your reaction does
Make better choices for your life
Be better
Do better
Live better
Never stop being you
Working on you
Doing better for you
Improving on you...

Pride is the burden of the foolish person.