"I don't know" is okay.

I think this is a moment where we are bombarded with so much information coming from so many sources and everyone is standing up and branding themselves as an expert in so many things at the same time.

It’s truly okay to admit that you don’t know what you are being asked, no one will die if you say you don’t know.

There are many ways to say you have no idea:

- I’m not sure about that
- I’ll have to do some research and get back to you
- that’s really not a topic I know much about
- Honestly, I don’t have much experience in that field. Let me refer you to...
- That sounds interesting, I’ll have to look more into it to have a better opinion

People are more inclined to trust you if you are an honest person who has integrity and stands firm in their character. In order to do that, you gotta be okay with saying you don’t know and then going to educate yourself more on that area.

Like I mentioned earlier, we live in an era where information is more accessible than ever before.

Admit you do not know but turn around and educate yourself immediately.

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