The best sex

The Best Sex I'll ever have


The kind of sex that has me smiling ear to ear any time I think about it,

The kind of sex that I won't be ashamed to tell anyone about,
I'll just want to get into the details and describe it as vividly as I can so that maybe you can feel what I felt in those moments,

The kind of sex that makes me blush endlessly whenever it comes to mind, my skin tingling and warm

When I go through my day and someone says a word that reminds me of it - the kind of sex that I'll always want more of,

The kind of sex that only goes grows & draws your souls even closer, passion keeps building and expanding, every day something adds to that love and makes it even deeper and stronger

The kind that sends shivers through your whole body just at the mere sight of your partner,

The kind that ties your legs and makes you feel like jelly,

The kind that has you thinking maybe oxygen is not enough,

The kind of sex that has you discovering yourself in ways you didn't know was possible

The kind of sex that shifts everything you've known and shows you a different way,

The kind of sex that only brings forth beautiful fruits and blessings upon blessings,

The kind of sex that makes your entire being tremble and forces you to face the parts of you that you aren't ready to,

The kind of sex that is so imperfectly perfect you couldn't imagine anything like it until it happened,

The kind of sex that makes you feel incredibly vulnerable but powerful all in the same moment,

The kind of sex that makes you whole like nothing else on earth,

The kind of sex that allows you to be both master and servant

The kind of sex that is meant to only celebrate you and worship every inch of your being

The kind of sex that is present and always there for you

The kind of sex that can't be made anywhere else in the world

Just here...
Just us..

Have you ever had that kind of sex?

That's the kind of sex you find in a marriage, glorious and wonderful and never ending. 

God created sex,it is good. but we have to adhere to his guidelines to really reap the fruit of it.