Following the response I got from the first part of this instalment, How to start a podcast for absolute beginners I think there are a few more things I'd like to add.

You are free to create content as you like on your podcast, however, these are a few suggestions for you if you would like to maximise your production and really present yourself in the best possible light for your craft.


    - Think about themes for your podcasts. 

For example, you are a doctor and your podcast is going to be about medical issues that people have. However, consider grouping topics that are similar and discussing them within a time period. 

Perhaps you could create content around dental issues and fully discuss the different aspects of dental health over a period of one month instead of one very long episode. If you post once a week, that will be 4 episodes allowing you to truly explore each area in depth.


Dental issues

- brushing your teeth properly.

- is flossing important?

- what foods can I eat to strengthen my teeth?

- Is smoking affect my dental care?

This also ensures that listeners will listen to the full episode, due to our current attention span, we have to make sure that the episodes are straight to the point and discuss topics properly.


 - What's the longest time you've spent listening to a podcast/watched a YouTube video?

As mentioned above, time is something that people don't seem to have anymore. However, don't be discouraged. Many people still enjoy listening to or watching videos for more than 30 minutes. Personally, I could watch a video or listen to a podcast for up to 2 hours or more, if I trust the speaker or find what they are saying valuable.

The best way to measure how much time your episodes should depend on you. If you enjoy talking like I do, then your minimum time could be 15 to 20 minutes, and this is enough to introduce a simple concept and share experiences around it to help your listeners fully wrap their heads around the idea and then leave them with questions that you want them to continue to work on in their lives. - this is an example of what I would do.

If you decide to go for longer than that, I suggest you have speaking points noted down next to you, to guide your talk. It is quite easy to go off topic if you do not have something to guide you. Especially if you have a guest or a tendency to go on speaking around the topic and repeating myself, as I do sometimes.


     - How can you increase the engagement with your podcast?

If you would like to increase the engagement on your podcast, I suggest asking your audience questions that they can respond to. This opens up space for conversations and they get to engage with you and share their own experiences on the topics you speak about. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are a great platform to do this as well. People get to write their comments under the podcast post and you can respond either in words or in your next episode, which also adds to the number of content you have.

Ask questions. Ask for their help. Ask for their opinions. Ask what their experiences are. Ask them if they think your approach to whatever issue is right or wrong. Ask them about their own inspirations and etc. 

You have to ask to receive. 

Do not be afraid to share your content on every platform you have access to. No one can promote you as much as you can. Even as you grow, continue to encourage people to share your episodes and ask them to subscribe for more.

The value that you provide should motivate you to promote yourself incessantly. 

I believe that you have the influence, experience and information that could change lives. 

Don't underestimate yourself.

If you have any questions/comments please feel free to write them below!!

Create content for what you want to be known for.