Enjoy Life

When I go on walks, I put in my earphones, crank up the music and step into a world of rhythm and possibilities.

I love to make things fun and enjoyable. Not everything can be that, but for the things that can, I make sure to try my best.

That’s what I interpret “enjoy life” as.

Whatever luxury means to you, I encourage you to own it.

Sometimes I just enjoy eating in front of a good show for an hour and a half.

I tell terrible jokes to myself and laughing until I can’t breathe. [ I swear I’m not crazy😜]

Some days I enjoy cleaning and I’ll go at it for hours, taking my time to arrange and organize.

Luxury should be more than materialism, it should exist within us.

Abundance exists if only we focus on all that we have been blessed with, freely given by heaven and our magnanimous creator.

Remind yourself of all that you have and know that happiness exists within.

My riches exist in places where they can’t be touched by circumstance.

What luxuries do you indulge in?
