I think for the longest I thought I loved myself but what I really wanted was acceptance and that feeling of belonging to somewhere or someone.

I don’t know how and when it began to happen but that thing inside of me that craved the validation of other people/society started to die. ( And I literally mean DIE.)

It got sick as I realized that no one was perfect. The sickness got terminal when I realized most were looking for the same thing and it literally died when I realized Jesus was the only one who could love and accept me in a way that nothing or being ever could.

Self-love isn’t really about being selfish and chasing people away.

I think it’s about realizing that you don’t need another human being to strive to your highest potential. You don’t need another human being to tell you to live that life that you deserve. 

You don’t need another human being to use your talents, skills and intelligence to get you to where you need to be.

We can inspire each other, yes, but ultimately each one of us has to do the work ourselves. If you get help, cool, if you do not get help, fantastic - keep going!

But at the core of it all, you have to love yourself enough to know and act on those desires that are on your heart.

Love yourself enough to create a lifestyle that aligns you with your success.

Procrastinating, self-sabotaging behaviours and etc are clear signs that you do not love yourself even to discipline yourself to get to where you dream to be.

Love yourself enough to LEVEL UP IN EVERY LEVEL!

Physically -get and stay fit
Emotional - face those demons and work your way to stability and peace
Financially - use your God-given abilities, intelligence and natural talents to make good money
Spiritually - Invest in your spirituality and strive for balance in your life
If you are a Christian draw closer to God, out him at the centre of everything.
Mentally - find methods of therapy that suit your pocket, take care of your mental health