Natalia Vaeta 3 degrees in 5 years! (Part 2)

Name and Surname:  Mwatilange Natalia Vaeta

Qualifications and years attained:  Bachelor of English Degree NQF level 7 (2014)
                                                              Bachelor of English Honours NQF level 8 (2015)
Bachelor of Education Honours (English and Social Sciences Upper Primary) NQF level 8 (2016)


Mention one low moment and one high moment in your journey
The lowest moment in my journey was the fear of public speaking, the fear of having to stand in front of learners and not doing it right.
My highest moment was overcoming a little bit of that fear; at least now I am confident in front of the learners, I cannot say the same about the public at large yet though.

How would you encourage others?
Find what works well for you and work on that.

Top 5 books that helped you (Inspire/motivate or even educational)
The Purple Violet of Oshaantu Neshani Andreas
The Price of Freedom by Ellen Ndeshi Namhila
The Purple hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Americana by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Joy of Motherhood by Buchie Emecheta