Catching up with Sean Dampte

Name and surname: Seun Oluyole
Age: early thirties

·         When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always thought I would be a pilot and wanted to be one and I will be one

·         What are you most Passionate about?
Music in all aspects

- If you weren't doing music, what else do you see yourself being really good at?
Hmmmm, I would have said football but I would be a football coach

·         If someone never met you, but they saw(heard) your work, what would you want them to get out of it?
He sounds good and makes loads of sensual sense.

·         How often do you find that have to take your own advice?
Very often I must confess

- Have you ever felt like giving up, what got/gets you through those moments?
That’s a tough one. Well, there are low points and I tell myself I didn’t come this far to fail. That kinda kick starts my battery.

·         What have you learnt from people you worked with in the past or even currently? What do you think (or hope) you taught them in return?
Dedication. That’s both ways really. The art is not a toy.

·         Tell us about your proudest non-work achievement.
When I had my baby girl.

·         What is your favorite quote and why?
The serenity prayer isn’t a quote but I always want to believe that it is one. It lets me take a step back in every situation.

 - what has been one of the the biggest highlights of 2017 for you?
The video to my single “Tight” been nominated for a major network award
·         If you are to point out one of your flaws, which one would it be and why?
Stubborn, hahahahaha. I just have a lot of self confidence.
·         What is your greatest quality?
I am a sincere person
·         Any closing words/advice for the younger ones: Never stop doing what you do. A step in the right direction is better than a thousand steps leading no where.

Social Media contact:

Facebook: @seandampte

Twitter: @seandampte

YouTube/Instagram: @seandampte

Look out for his latest "Koko" which dropped on the 12th of December 2017.