At the Junction of Passion

I am tired of bare minimum.

From my government, from the education sector
from people and most of all from MYSELF!

I had a conversation with some friends the last night and I was (still am) genuinely concerned as to why we are all not striving to be better and do better than we are at the moment.

It seems to me as if we are more full of excuses as to why we can't instead of looking at the reasons why we should actually pursue things that can add real value to our lives and our future. (Longevity)

It just seems to me as if we are all waiting for certain things to come to us when that is not how life works.

My friend- (and I use that term very loosely because we do not know each other that long or that well ) -was of the opinion that online fraudsters are better than those who commit murder and kill others in other to do rituals and make money.

I see his point but for me, personally neither is better than the other. That to me sounds like an excuse even still.

Life is hard for us all but those that choose to put their efforts into making money legitimately  are not more or less special than those who put their efforts into making money illegitimately.

We are all the same, the difference is choice and mindset.

Some choose to be stronger, weather the storm of struggle and do what is right by making money legitimately.

So what is your excuse?

Instead some people choose the weaker option and go for ways of making a living that isn't legitimate at all.

How do you expect to meet a good death living a life where you bring anguish and sadness to other human beings?

Why are people easily pressured into making decisions that at the end of the day wastes their lives?

I am baffled as to why people do not choose what is right all the time...

I am tired.

Because I know we are all capable of so much good but instead we choose wrongly and end up wasting our lives in the process.

The value of life, the value of us living - is selflessness.

Almost every (If not all, those are legitimate and true) career on earth that is not in service of other human beings is quite questionable.
Problems are opportunities in disguise.

When someone is ill, this is a problem - health professionals are the solution, the opportunity was presented for them to come and serve their fellow human and bring relief or even healing to them in their time of need.

Notice that we didn't simply kill the person and say "well they were sick and we all die right?! so that's the end of that."

When our security is threatened and we do not feel at peace, this is a problem - Police and security companies/entities are the solution, the opportunity was presented for them to come, serve their fellow human and bring relief to them and help them feel protected in their time of troubles.

Notice that we didn't simply ignore them and say "well evil exists, what can we do about it, that's the end of that" No, instead we came together and found a way/solution.

- and Many more other professions/careers.

Those who created electricity were not thinking of just themselves, but their inventions benefitted the entire world so why can't you also do something similar.

Whatever is not in service of other human beings especially strangers that you are not related to, could possible not be a legitimate way of earning a living.

Each and everyone of us is called to serve, in different ways and areas and levels - but to serve nonetheless.

Embracing the part of you that enjoys serving others is most likely where you will find your true purpose. (no matter what you think your purpose is...)

Once you discover what area you enjoy being selfless in in service to others, it is also at this junction that you will discover your passions, because you will be excited everyday to go for this thing, for the reason that it genuinely makes you feel good to add that little of value to someone else's life.

So how is your purpose serving?


  1. Perhaps it takes some people longer to understand or discover purpose, and so they just go around thinking they, I think I can do this, or that, or the other, and none of them work out.

    Others are just too in a hurry to get to, or ahead of their mates.

    Beautiful piece 😊
