Reflection: What is your self worth?

Growth is important but it only comes through constantly admitting that we are wrong and don’t know it all. Take those hard truths and work on them.

We are all equal, no one is perfect or better than the other. Constantly working on your flaws is what makes you a better person.

We all have flaws.

It hurts our egos to hear our insecurities rudely spoken to our faces sometimes (if not all the time.) It's good to be criticised and told you are wrong.
Accept it.
Then do better.

That’s real strength.      That’s sincere.         That’s genuine.

When people confront us and tell us certain about ourselves that we find offensive or rude, it's mostly because it was the hard truth that we were not ready to face yet. Even in moments when you disagree with someone, it is simply a difference in opinion and not a personal attack - why does it feel like it was a personal attack? (ask yourself these type of questions.)

This is also one of the reasons why conflict helps us grow faster than situations where we are confronted by anything that make us react aggressively.

Sometimes the way we value ourselves is not how people will value us - you need to ask yourself why? You need to ask yourself why you keep receiving the same kind of treatment from certain people and what could make them keep treating you that way? (especially if you value their contribution in your life.)

Perhaps there are certain things about you that draws out a certain treatment from people towards you. If you treat yourself a certain way then people will treat you the same, but also the longer people are around the more they get to see the real you.

And ultimately they will begin to treat you the way they think you deserve based on how much of yourself you have revealed to them.

Sometimes it is really you, your actions, words, the patterns of your actions... It’s not always them, It’s also you...

You being stubborn and not wanting to accept where you are wrong is only going to be detrimental to you at the end of the day.

If someone points out something to you that you can work on.    WORK.   ON.   IT.
It is for your own good.

Our true character is evident even in the smallest details of things from how we wake up in the morning to handling projects that can potentially change lives or impact societies.

We have so many excuses for not being who we could be. E.g. "why should I wake up every morning at 5am when I don't have a job?" / "I'll start exercising when I have enough money to register at a good gym" / "When I have 10 000 followers I will start raising awareness for mental health and eradication of poverty" 

We forget that we can start where we are and work our way up. The truest test of our spirit will be doing what we can where we are even when we are not receiving any credit for the amount of work we are putting in.

That thing that you want to do so badly, start now. No matter how small, it can still make a difference. I digress... It is important to constantly reflect and build our character as human beings, to become better, more empathetic and considerate of others.

My aim is to promote humanity and that means I am trying my best to be more aware of people's emotions and why they do what they do, I try to plant seeds of hope and try to get them to reflect on the reasons on their actions/words in the hopes that it will help them think to change and improve on what they can.

What is your aim?
                                              Change your mindset, change your life.