The worth of Sex…

As time goes by it becomes more apparent to me why the bible instructs us to wait until after marriage to have sex.
We have become so used to exploring our sexual attractions instead of exploring our intellectual and spiritual compatibility first.
We are distracted by the flesh and don’t take into consideration that it what is inside them that matters most. Their personality and the Patterns of Character that they show us. 
If you are considering a relationship with someone and you are someone who dates with purpose you should want to know if this person is someone who still want to be around and have conversations without sex.
Do you genuinely enjoy their company or is the sexual attraction the only thing that is making you stick around this person?
We can be easily blinded by our emotions because we are capable of convincing ourselves that we feel what we don’t truly feel.
Sex before marriage has become so normalised that most people do not see anything wrong with and have come to add it as a method of measuring relationships.
This has affected us negatively. So many broken homes, broken relationships (romantic or none romantic) have been affected.
Because of people’s lust for sex they commit the most horrendous crimes and acts against other people. (EVEN ON BABIES, CHILDREN AND OLD PEOPLE).
We have diseases, unwanted pregnancies, lots of orphans, sexual abuse situations all because it has become such a need outside of what it was meant for.
The practicality of this is that sex brings more than we are prepared to handle, if you consider all the factors and more mentioned above. (I encourage you to really think about it)
Sex is GREAT! It is not something that should be covered up and to be ashamed of, but it is something that is meant for more than it has been reduced to be. Sex is not just sex, it is a beautiful thing that is meant to be shared between two people are completely devoted to each other. It’s true purpose has been misconstrued. 
Intimacy has also only being reduced to sex, there are a many many more ways to build intimacy that doesn’t involve sex.
Sex is meant to add to the union of two people who have taken that step to be with each other for the long run, who have taken the time to know each other and help each other get better. Such a couple, (mostly couples who are headed for marriage), after marriage can use sex to continue to build their intimacy.
There are so many other contributing factors, others will be discussed in further posts.
 Wishing you love, light, peace and happiness.
Originally published on Orchid Entry