Effective tips to instantly improve your personal brand

  • Wear clothes that suit you and style them well, then take better pictures of yourself.

Save up for a professional photo shoot every 3 to 4 months, or learn to use your phone to take better pictures of yourself. Many smartphones have really good camera functions, but they require a little time, effort, and practice to finally figure out. There are a ton of youtube tutorials available to guide in this process. Additionally, Pinterest can assist with photoshoot poses and styling tactics.

  • Figure out 3 - 5 things you want to be known for and stick to those.

As time goes by let that number drop. Becoming an absolute expert in 1-3 things is key to how deep your customer’s pockets will be. Think about it, going to a general practitioner is cheaper than going to a specialist.

  • Be mindful of your posts. 

Are you adding value or are you entertaining, are you doing both? Write interesting captions to go with your picture or video posts.

  • Talk about things you have a lot of knowledge or experience in.

The more you talk about it, the more people see you as the expert. Comment on posts within your topic scope and add value by answering questions or dropping insightful comments that make people search you up. Take time out each day to purposefully engage with other pages within your field and have interesting conversations with people.

  • Be clear about your message.

Write a clear bio, e.g. I am a what or I do A B C D. Most personal brands succeed because they have a story and it’s usually tied to a mission. The mission might not necessarily be something overly philosophical, it could be as simple as encouraging others to be themselves or helping people find something. Your personal brand doesn’t have to exist for money purposes, it could just be there to promote your legacy.

  • Talk about the significance of your product or service all the time.

Talk about what makes your product/service special. Talk about the quality of your product/service. But mostly talk about how your product/service will improve your customer’s lives.

  • Aesthetics are nice but solutions are the meat.

People are attracted by your presentation and aesthetics in the beginning but they stay for the value they will receive.

  • Clean up your pages.

Always imagine that you will get into politics, a pageant, or suddenly become famous for whatever reason and clean up everything that might not fit with the message you are trying to promote. Yes, we live and learn but we also live in an era of screenshots and people willing to take time out of their day to dig into your past for posts, comments, or anything that they feel will discredit/disqualify you and ruin your brand. Be mindful about what you post, share, like and comment on.

  • Google yourself and see what pops up, fix what you do not like immediately.

  • Post a picture/video of yourself at least once/twice a month, maybe even more.

We want to see your face, simple.

  • Stay updated with the latest news and trends within your industries.

Subscribe to websites and newsletters, follow top people all over the world within your field and be ready to try out new things as they pop up.

  • Your personal brand will sustain your business brand over time so make sure to always stay on point.

Note that a business brand should feel personal, and a personal brand can include business, so at the end of the day, people buy products/services from people they like. It’s that simple.