From one vacuum to another...

People who go around telling lies about you to make themselves look/feel better have low self esteem.

This is a fact.

These people will do anything to make you look bad just so they can feel like they have the upper hand or are better than you, they will talk behind your back and only tell people about your weakness and even stretch stories about you to fit their narrative of you.

All this because they feel like they are messed up and they were probably initially attracted to you because
1) they thought you were just as messed up as they were maybe even more, or
2) they thought you were perfect and upon getting close to you they discovered that you in fact were a human being with normal human being problems, or
3) I have no idea what this might be.

So now they resent you for being a descent human being who despite all that you are going through, actually cares for others and strives to be better than you were yesterday, instead of being like them who just keeps making excuses about how the world owes them one thing or another even though they have so much more than you and are just being an ungrateful person.

They love to put an image of perfection and togetherness even if everything they hold dearly is rapidly falling apart and they feel completely helpless in the situation.

At least they are strong in that regard. Strong enough to pretend that they are just perfect.

You being a good person, tries to help them focus on their good qualities, their talents, help them develop a new sense of being and get into something worthwhile.

Maybe they do it, maybe they don't but either way, they are stuck in a cycle of self hate and seeking destructive distractions which ultimately is stealing from them time that could be better spent doing something more meaningful and overall fulfilling, even if that activity is mundane.

I wish we could be better human beings to each other, not even as friends, but just as people who co-exist in a world that's already hard to live in due to natural disasters, shit governments, poverty, starvation, disease and all the bad stuff that's already going on.

Just for the sake of putting some really good positive energy out there, can we just exchange some heartfelt humanity?

Can we?


If we are all depressed, how long can you continue to pour your efforts into this vacuum of a being?