Show support: share and like

You have to be mindful of how you treat others, on all platforms, you have to maintain consistency. Real life or on social media.

For the most part, people might be able to hide their true personalities on social media because that is one of the features of having virtual platforms, but a lot of people will tell exactly how they feel about you by their actions if you simply pay attention over time.

You can be surrounded by 10, 000 people and be the loneliest person with absolutely no one to speak to.

I know that loneliness, I have carried it for so long and I battle with it from time to time. When you see someone who needs help, sometimes even if a kind word is all you can offer, do not take it for granted. Say it. Make sure they hear it and keep saying it as many times as you can.

I think sometimes we think that we can only help others when we have money or some kind of power that is associated with affluence but it is not always the case.

Our humanity is not linked to any bank account, the ability to be kind and generous is directly linked to our actions and thoughts.

With social media, we forget that even a like or a share can be an instrumental support or encouragement for someone's business or social posts. I never hesitate to comment something constructive or positive on a post that I see. (I don't comment on everything either, just from time to time)

I try to share as much as I can from friends businesses or whatever they need support on, because at this point in time, this is what I can offer. My share and like is my support and encouragement.

We should remember that whatever we seek in the world, begins with us. If you want kindness, you have to be kind. If you want support, you should support others.

Everything starts with you.

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