You are probably insane.

Most people hate rocky situations. They hate when things get tense and complicated. They don’t like to feel uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

For so many years, we ignore. We push aside. We move over. We shift ourselves away from difficult situations not even to protect ourselves or the next person but because we simply cowards. We believe that we have no courage, no power, no authority over these things and it’s the saddest thing in the world. 

It’s okay for things to be uncomfortable, that’s the only time you can learn what needs fixing, what needs to be removed, what needs to be improved and what needs to change.

Don’t cover up a messy situation with some laughter or flowers, face them. Face those difficult situations, talk it out, work it out. Dive into it and dismantle it.


Relationships take work and part of that work is facing things that are meant to tear you apart but tearing apart and usings threads to strength and fortify your relationships.

We are so used to limiting ourselves already that limitations don’t even stand a chance. The moment it gets hot, we’re out. We quit and run never to try again. Ashamed, defeated and completely buried in your capabilities. 

What you all is what will continue.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

It's time to refuse complacency.

Rocky Balboa Inspirational Motivational Speech Sylvester Stallone