Turn around

This is to a specific 'friend' who went behind my back and told people horrible things about me to make herself feel better about the problems she has in her life.

I wish you well always.
I wish you happiness and joy.
I wish you success in all you do.

I have nothing against you and I knew from the start I just might regret getting close to you but I did it anyway.

It hurt nevertheless, the hurt, the betrayal, the disloyalty. If anything I was more disappointed in myself than in you.

You made fun of me, made me feel like a fool. Ruined my relationship with other people and turned people against me.

I know deep down maybe you are a good person but most of all, you are hurting. You wish for a solution that would make everything go away. You put your mind in the wrong places looking for love, affection, and to belong.

I know that feeling, I know that hunger, that desire.

I also know that your actions will lead you to more hurt that freedom.

To be absolutely honest, I don't understand why people do things against other people.

From the little things, gossip, lie or even the bigger ones, rob, murder or steal.

Why do we do these things against ourselves?

What possible justification is there in this world for randomly doing something against someone who has done nothing against you?

From friends who betray each other and decide to talk behind each others backs and spread rumours about one another.

We gain nothing.

All is vanity upon vanity.

I wanted to be a friend to you, to offer you some comfort, to bring your attention to the beauty that surrounds you even in the storm that engulfs you, I believe there is beauty.

I wanted you to turn around.

I wanted to help you understand that you shouldn't sell yourself short, for temporary relief.

It's never worth it.

But I realised that perhaps I was trying to save you whilst I drowned and suffered. I also needed help, a saviour and I lost my own focus. I lost myself, chasing mirages of what I thought you could be.


                       When people show you who they are, believe them. - Maya Angelou

I had to let go of it all.

I had to turn around.